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Jongno, Jongno-gu Swimming PoolReal Swim "Gluteal Amnesia!!!" Hello, This is Real Swim Academy, SWIMENJOYAHN. Continuing from yesterday, I woke up with a sore back again today. So, I decided to look into it a bit more, and I found something interesting: Jongno, Jongno-gu Swimming PoolReal Swim "Gluteal Amnesia!!!" That's what today's post is all about! For inquiries, please text 010-8774-0487, and please specify that it's an inquiry for Busan Real Swim Aca.. 2024. 1. 16.
Jongno-gu/Jonggak Swimming Pool, Depalace Real Swim Academy: Core and Types of C Hello! It's Swim Enjoy Ahn from Real Swim Academy, swimenjoyahn^^ Hope you're having a delightful (?) Monday afternoon... though the weekend is still a bit far away. Looking forward to the weekend coming soon^^ Wishing everyone a fighting spirit for today, and please take care of your health in this hot weather~ For inquiries, please contact 010 8774 0487. Preferably through text as phone calls .. 2024. 1. 15.
종로구 종로 수영장 디팰리스 수영장 리얼스윔아카데미 어린이수영 수영처음 시작해요^^ 안녕하세요 리얼스윔아카데미 swimenjoyahn 입니다 즐거운 주말이 끝이 나고 새로운 한 주가 되었습니다!!! 주말에 눈이 오고 오늘은 영하 7도까지 온도가 내려간다고 합니다 날씨가 계속 올랐다가 내렸다가 하는데... 옷을 입기도 불편하고... 언제쯤... 적정한 온도가 되련지... 이웃님들 감기 조심하시기 바랍니다!!! 그럼 이번 주!!! 첫 번째 포스팅을 써 보겠습니다!!! 이번 포스팅의 제목은!!! 종로구 종로 수영장 디팰리스 수영장리얼스윔아카데미 어린이수영수영처음 시작해요^^ 입니다!! 상담문의 010 8774 0487 문자로 우선 부탁드려요 수업으로 전화 통화가 어렵습니다^^ 부산 지점 문의는 부산 지점이라고 작성 부탁드려요~^^ 이번 포스팅의 대상 어린이는 말이죠 저희 리얼스윔아카데미 수영.. 2024. 1. 15.
Jongno, Jongno-gu Swimming PoolReal Swim AcademyDiscs and Swimming Hello, This is Real Swim Academy, SWIMENJOYAHN. I'll be writing the second post for today, which is a rare occurrence for me to do two posts in one day. This time, I'll be focusing on health and swimming, specifically addressing issues related to discs. Since I currently have a disc condition myself, this is an area of particular interest to me. So, let's get started with the post titled: Jongno.. 2024. 1. 14.